A small but powerful object.

on Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ok, so this makes me laugh, and I hope anyone who reads this will relate, but its just kind of funny the little things you notice as a married person. *** DISCLAIMER *** I am in no way throwing my beautiful, talented, amazing wife under the bus as I say this….lets be honest I love her! This post is mostly to be funny because I think it’s darn hilarious.

I want to talk about the power of the razor. We all have them, we all use them. Now the question I have is this: Do we use them appropriately? There is really power behind that little silvery sharp tool. Case in point: My loving wife is not a fan of facial hair. So, of course I am. I’m not going to lie, before we got marred and as she was on her mission, I had some form of goatee, beard, soul patch, anything really. (Except sideburns…I think I skipped that step in puberty, but I digress…) Anyhow, I thought I would get it out of my system while she was gone. I was sadly mistaken. The urge still exists. Now, I am also lazy…i.e...a man…. So sometimes I will go days without shaving just because I don’t like to. It’s not the most relaxing feeling in the world scraping your face off and watching it swirl down the drain. Anyhow, I have come to realize something. As I endure this ritual, each and every time Jewel is so excited and all lovey-dovey romantic. I’m not going to lie…I love it! Now, truth be told, I don’t use this power as you might think, if I did I would shave all the time, lets be honest. But its amazing what that little razor can do for a relationship. That being said I have example number 2. Jewel does the same thing! Now, I am by no means judging her hygiene. She is a million times more hygienic than the average man (thankfully). But there are times where she is tired, sick and pregnant. So, of course the last thing on her mind is shaving her legs. Yet, she does it; and every time I notice it, I get really attracted to her…(this is a family blog…that’s all you get…) So needless to say, last night I come out of the shower, freshly shorn and she is super excited and keeps rubbing my chin, where there has been a soul patch the past 2 months. I’m laying there enjoying the attention but thinking…oh the power! Then I think of her and realize…she does it too! Oh the humanity! I have been duped but I cannot tell a lie. I love it. J… Now I am thinking…what else has she skillfully pulled the wool over my eyes with…..hmmmmmm…


Sare said...

Oh Im CRAKING up!!!!! I love you guys!! and it's so true!! we do the same thing!!! and we do it in a lot of ways...which I shall not tell you because that is one of God's greatest gifts to us. ;)

Jewel said...

hahahaha....well, just to let you know--I'm seriously considering shaving my legs today in order to pay you back for shaving last night...don't necessarily hold me to that--it's not a promise. I'm just considering it. :) Love you!