Oh the steps one takes in moments of desperation...

on Monday, March 9, 2009

This picture about sums it up. So most of you know, my wife Jewel is past due with our first son. "Cleatus the Fetus" (DISCLAIMER...once outside of her fertile womb garden his name will change...) Well, long story short read her blog here to see what actually has happened.... BUT i would like to share a particularly WEIRD practice that we attempted called "Curbing". I have never in my life been more open to any hoey fooey hippy dancing tree huggin technique when it comes to getting that baby out. We have basically tried it all, save actual medical induction. This "curbing" though, takes the cake. basically all you do is walk quickly with one leg on the sidewalk and one leg on the street as you straddle the curb. This movement is supposed to really open your hips and help speed things along. Well we tried it, alot. We went fast, we went slow, we tried on the left foot, we tried on the right. all we got was alot of laughs and no baby. I even joined in to help motivate her. She said she felt so stupid. I thought i would help to prove to her that it wasnt stupid. As we see from the picture...oh i was way off...THAT IS THE STUPIDEST THING I HAVE DONE IN...well days...i dont want to talk about it. You all know me, i ooze stupid ideas... anywho, i am mostly posting this picture so people might get a good laugh. Yep, we are adults playing in a parking lot. Dont be jealous...


Claire said...

Sure, don't mention the things *I* tried with Jewel... darn pedicures and foot rubs!! I know it sucks right now, but it'll all be worth it, soon! Enjoy curbing! :D

Heather said...

I laughed several times throughout this short post and thought, "Oh how I love Steve!" Seriously. I need to move to the Phoenix area. STAT.

Favorite phrase: "hoey fooey hippy dancing tree huggin technique" We can relate on that point.